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Sunday, 21 December 2014

Top most powerful SQL Injection tools | Hacking point

Top most powerful SQL Injection tools- Hacking point

Top Most Powerful SQL Injection Tools

We hope that you already know about SQL Injection. Lets have a little introduction to SQL Injection "An SQL injection attack is a code injection attack that is used to exploit web applications and websites databases. It is one of the most common methods for hackers to get into your computer system. Learning such attacks are important for security purpose, so that you could secure yourself. Here are 11 of the top most powerful tools that helps in performing SQL Injection attacks.

1. BSQL Hacker

This is a useful tool for both experts and beginners that automates SQL Injection attacks on websites.

2. The Mole

This is an SQL Injection tool that uses the union technique or the boolean query-based technique.

3. Pangolin

This is a penetration testing tool developed by NOSEC. It is aimed at detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities on websites.

4. Sqlmap

This is an open source penetration testing tool that security professionals can use. Like the BSQL Hacker tool, this one also automates SQL Injection attacks.

5. Havij 
(Click here to Download free Havij cracked version)
This is an automated SQL injection tool that can be used by penetration testers in order to detect vulnerabilities in web applications and exploit them.

6. Enema SQLi

This is a dynamic penetration testing tool for professionals. It is an auto-hacking software.

7. Sqlninja

This is a tool targeted at exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. It uses the Microsoft SQL server as its back end.

8. sqlsus

Written using the Perl programming language, this is an open source penetration testing tool for MySQL Injection and takeover.

9. Safe3 SQL Injector

This is a powerful penetration testing tool, which automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL Injection vulnerabilities.

10. SQL Poizon

This tool includes php , asp , rfi , lf dorks that can be used for penetration testing.

11. SQL Power Injector.

That helps the penetration tester to find and exploit SQL injections on a web page.

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